At WFTDA Officiating Clinics, attendees have one-on-one access to the most skilled officials in roller derby. Attendees also network with other officials in their area and take home knowledge to their leagues.
Attending a clinic can help build strong officiating teams, enhance league-wide skills and training, and grow a community of local officials to support leagues on game day.
The WFTDA Officiating Clinics are designed with a focus on roller derby officials but are open to skaters, coaches, and announcers. The clinics offer an educational experience combining classroom discussions, small group activities and real-time application and feedback.
If this clinic is sold out and you would like to be added to the waitlist, please email [email protected] with your real name, roller derby name, clinic location and date you wish to attend. Please include “CLINIC WAIT LIST REQUEST” in the subject line.
For all information on WFTDA Officiating Clinics:
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